This Wiki serves as a comprehensive repository of knowledge encompassing practices, tools, and various aspects pertinent to the Digital Research Academy.
As a part of the trainer community, you will find useful information here on topics such as:
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This wiki has two main parts:
Trainer Launchpad
Are you just about to start a the Train-the-Trainer program or want to learn more about it? Sign up with your email in the wiki to get all the information you need while getting started with the DRA!
Trainer Centrale
Are you already a trainer with the DRA? Here you can find all the information you need on how to work as a trainer! Once you have finished your Part 1 of the Train-the-Trainer program, you will automatically gain access to this part of the wiki.
This is a collaborative space, where you are invited to share your knowledge and experience and help keep the community documentation up-to-date 🤝.
Together, let's build a vibrant hub of knowledge to improve the quality of research.
Our aspiration is that by 2030 digital skills will be part of the academic skill set so that everyone in academia, regardless of their role, background or location, can use those skills to contribute to the collective pursuit of knowledge and global benefit, leading to a brighter, more informed future for all.
In order to contribute to this vision, the Digital Research Academy strives to be a reputable training partner, dedicated to empowering academics and researchers worldwide with advancing their digital skills. As a community of trainers we aspire to bridge knowledge gaps, cultivate innovation, and drive positive change through continuous learning and re-adapting. We value and foster a culture of openness, transparency, integrity, equity, exploration and collective benefit.
Based on these shared values of our community, the following Guiding Principles work as the compass that influences decisions and actions for the Digital Research Academy:
This CoC was developed as part of the DRA trainer meetups and is adapted from the CoC of the Turing Way (who had their own sources, including The Carpentries). We also used snippets of FOSS4G:UK.
The CoC is not a static document, but we are happy to update it when needed and will review it at least every two years for needed changes. Old versions will be archived. The co-working document, in which, the CoC was developed in and where you can leave comments can be found here.
Short version: Everyone is welcome, make everyone feel welcome, be nice.
Full version of the DRA Code of Conduct on the DRA Website
Please use this form to report an incident.
Submissions of this form will only be seen by the members of the CoC Committee.